Renette K. Schoenewe House (1956-2010)

Renette K. Schoenewe of Dallas, Texas, and formerly of Everly, passed away Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010, at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas after a long illness.

Renette was born Feb. 21, 1956, to Ronald and Winifred Schoenewe of Everly. She was a graduate of Everly High School and attended the University of South Dakota where she met and married John House. Continue reading “Renette K. Schoenewe House (1956-2010)”

Horfrost to Keep PCU Centre Guests Snacking Happy

Chris Kehler, Horfrost, Portage la Prairie, MB
Chris Kehler, Horfrost, Portage la Prairie, MB

by The Daily Graphic/Central Plains Herald-Leader

Eating at the Portage Credit Union Centre just got much more interesting.

The Portage Regional Recreation Authority announced Friday the concession and catering services at the PCU Centre have been awarded to local restaurant Horfrost.

Horfrost in the Park, as the new concession is to be called, will feature such menu items as maple fries and the Terrier burger, as well as homemade soups and breads. Continue reading “Horfrost to Keep PCU Centre Guests Snacking Happy”

Record Production ~ 1969

Mrs. PK Doerksen, Mrs. Aaron Kehler
Mrs. P.K. Doerksen of Fehler Apartments, Steinbach, spent her 81st birthday much like any other day, busy with her sewing projects. Together with her friend, Mrs. Aaron Kehler, who also resides in the apartments, the ladies have made 30 aprons, ten pairs of socks, five quilts and several dolls since Christmas. That must be a record production for the two women both past 75 years of age. The ladies take turns making meals for each other in their apartments, and cheering each other up when the need arises. Mrs. P. K. Doerksen has been a patient in the Extended Care Unit of the Bethesda for the last year and a half. Mrs. Kehler is a widow. – The Carillon News

Conservative or New Democrat?

It’s speculation perhaps, but if “Berliner” Kehler’s political favour rested within the boundaries of the Conservatives, how easily would he have crossed the room to support strong ties with that of his descendants?

In 1969, Ed Schreyer persuaded Elmer (Al) Reimer, 42, grandson of “Berliner” Kehler, to run in the La Verendrye riding, which included Steinbach.  Al Reimer had respectable academic credentials, elevating NDP favour.  While English Professor Al’s political career failed to get off the ground, his academic career was later deemed highly successful.  This ad was found in The Carillon News, June 1969.

Elmer (Al) Reimer

More about Al Reimer.

Kehler Klippings of the Berliner Clan

Dig around in your attic, and you will be sure to find old newspaper clippings that bring us to fond memories of the past.   Recently, we found some clippings, articles and pictures that relate to the Berliner Kehler clan.  This website is a great place to showcase memories. Email your clippings to us, for consideration and publication on this website, by sending your email and attachments to the Webmaster.  Let’s have some fun!  Watch for more memories, that will be posted right here!

Operator Honored on Anniversary

Today, we honor a Berliner Kehler who was featured in The Carillon News — any guess what year this picture was taken of Jacob Stoesz Kehler and son Wayne?  The Husky Station, since 1955,  is still operating at the same corner! For more information, visit

Jacob Stoesz Kehler, son Wayne.
Jacob Stoesz Kehler, son Wayne.

Continue reading “Operator Honored on Anniversary”

Berliner Kehler List of Descendants

We are very grateful to the large number of Kehler cousins, and there are many of you,  who have stepped up to the plate and helped this process along!

Today, we want to recognize:

  • Neil House – for sending in updates to the Maria Schultz Kehler list
  • Martha Kehler – for sending in updates to the David Schultz Kehler list 

The most current list of descendants can be downloaded here.  If you spot any errors or omissions, please send us the details and we can get a more accurate list. Contact the Webmaster with any questions or updates.

Faith Renewed

As the Christmas season was approaching and familiar songs and scenes started to appear once again, my mind was taken back to earlier days of how we used to celebrate Christmas with family and friends at home.

Peter A Kehler
Peter A Kehler


As the Christmas season was approaching and familiar songs and scenes started to appear once again, my mind was taken back to earlier days of how we used to celebrate Christmas with family and friends at home. Continue reading “Faith Renewed”