It’s been two years since we lost Bill Aitken, our father, and husband of Marlene Aitken (nee Kehler). As a child, I thought my father would always be with me. He was a symbol of wisdom, authority, security and constancy. In many ways, that feeling never changed. But time waits for no one and my father’s time ended on September 29, 2010, in his own bedroom, surround by those that deeply loved him. Our sense of loss continues till this day. Continue reading “In Memory of Bill Aitken”
Today we remember and honour one of the finest souls ever born, a beautiful diamond with a golden heart and soul strong like steel: Louise Olson.
On February 19th one year ago Heaven gained a faithful follower of Jesus Christ into the eternal kingdom of peace. The funeral was bitter and sweet. Bitter for two reasons: a great woman laid cold in her coffin and also the fact that it was February, which means we were cold as well. Sweet for two reasons: this woman lived a full life and experienced many blessings and also the funeral lunch had a plethora of brownies and date squares. Continue reading “In Memoriam Louise Olson”
Today, February 17th, marks 6 years since the passing of our amazing brother, Edgar Kehler. Seldom has a day passed without thinking about the many memories that were created as we grew up together.
Edgar was a special brother who touched the lives of many people. As brothers, we were very close in a relationship that kept us together for life as best friends. He was full of life, seeing the best of everyone he met. Those who knew him best admired him for the interest he took in each person. In meeting new people, one of the first things he’d do is the “Mennonite Connection” to see if there was a possibility of being a long lost relative. It seemed important to him. Continue reading “In Memory of Edgar Stoesz Kehler”
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Elizabeth Doerksen Kehler
Grandma, it is now 9 years since Jesus took you home. I remember well the moment your spirit left your earthly body. I will always treasure the memory of holding your hand as Jesus came and lifted your spirit to be joined with Him in eternity. How I treasure that memory!
Jacob J K Kehler
Grandpa, for you it is now 29 yrs. since you left us so suddenly. I remember you telling me how you prayed for “the generations to come”. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I know what a rich spiritual heritage you left us and how grateful I am to our Heavenly Father for allowing me to be your grandchild.
You were both very instrumental in helping shape the person I am today. Thank you for praying for us regularly. Your prayers are still being answered today. We miss you, but know you are with your Lord & Saviour. What a glorious day that will be when we will be re-united!
In loving memory of Marj who left us one year ago today.
We could not have been prepared for the loss of this amazing wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. We miss her warm embrace, her boundless energy, her infectious laughter and her ever present camera which captured all that she loved and admired. We’ve lost an irreplaceable advocate and cheerleader. Silent is the voice we still yearn to hear. Yet, her legacy lives on. She taught us well and in her honour we will continue to gather as family and friends, to share her memories, stories, hopes and dreams. We love and miss you Marj.
Daniel Paul Sagriff – To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past. But to us who loved and lost you eight years ago today your memory will always last.
In Loving Memory of Hetty Kehler February 5, 1931 – March 15, 2006
One year ago You went away, We grieve Your loss every single day. But You’re with God who took You there We know You’re in his loving care. We Miss You Mom.
From Your Loving Husband John and Sons and Daughters.