by P.J.B. Reimer
Syd Reimer and his brother-in-law Norm Wiens, like many other inhabitants of the Red River Valley, have just been through one the most harrowing months of their lives. The two are long-time residents of Rosenort, a Mennonite village on the Morris River 10 miles northwest of Morris.
Syd Reimer is a volunteer supervisor with the Mennonite Disaster Service and has had wide experience with floods and disaster cleanup. As a local councillor, Norm Wiens was one of the men in charge of organizing thousands of volunteer workers into efficient work parties in the fight against a flood that proved to be as serious as the Big One of 1950. For the first 10 days of the flood, Norm was away from his flood duties for a total of 21 hours, and not even all of that time was spent in bed.
Read the rest of this article (in PDF), as published in Mennonite Mirror, June 1979.