In memory of Jacob JK Kehler and Elizabeth Doerksen Kehler.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Grandma, it is now 9 years since Jesus took you home. I remember well the moment your spirit left your earthly body. I will always treasure the memory of holding your hand as Jesus came and lifted your spirit to be joined with Him in eternity. How I treasure that memory!
Grandpa, for you it is now 29 yrs. since you left us so suddenly. I remember you telling me how you prayed for “the generations to come”. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I know what a rich spiritual heritage you left us and how grateful I am to our Heavenly Father forĀ allowing me to be your grandchild.
You were both very instrumental in helping shape the person I am today. Thank you for praying for us regularly. Your prayers are still being answered today. We miss you, but know you are with your Lord & Saviour. What a glorious day that will be when we will be re-united!
-Grand daughter Diane Funk (nee Kehler)
That was lovely!