Kehler Heading to Dance World Cup in Prague

Sophia Kehler to represent Canada at the Dance World Cup in Prague
Sophia Kehler to represent Canada at the Dance World Cup in Prague

Sophia Kehler has been selected to represent Canada at the Dance World Cup in Prague later this month! She’ll be showcasing her talent in both Small Group Jazz and Small Group Contemporary categories.

The Dance World Cup stands as the second-largest sporting event globally, following only the Olympics. With over 50 countries participating and nearly 9000 athletes expected this year, the stage is set for an incredible display of skill and artistry.

Sophia’s journey to this point has been one fueled by passion and dedication, and her family couldn’t be prouder of her. Representing our country is an immense honor, but it comes with significant financial hurdles. Unlike many other sports, dancers like Sophia receive no external funding. As such, they must rely on fundraising efforts to cover expenses, from travel to from Vancouver to Toronto for final rehearsals and the journey to Prague itself.

As a family navigating a challenging time, with Gayle’s ongoing recovery from a brain injury limiting our financial resources, Sophia’s resilience and determination shine even brighter. Balancing schoolwork and fundraising in a single-income household hasn’t been easy, but she’s tackling it with grace and determination.

If you find yourselves in a position to assist with Sophia’s fundraising efforts, we would be immensely grateful. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings her closer to her dream of representing Canada on the world stage. You can show your support through her GoFundMe page.

Of course, we understand that not everyone may be able to contribute financially, and that’s perfectly okay. Your encouragement and love mean the world to us and Sophia. Simply cheering her on from afar fills our hearts with gratitude.

Thank you all for being a part of Sophia’s journey. Together, let’s rally behind her as she embarks on this extraordinary adventure.

Go Kehlers! Go Canada!

Sophia, lives in White Rock, BC and is the daughter of Christopher and Gayle (Brady) Kehler, granddaughter to Leland and Dianne Kehler, of the Cornelius S & Frieda Kehler family.

One thought on “Kehler Heading to Dance World Cup in Prague”

  1. Congratulations Sophia on your quest in dancing internationally even 😊

    Your family and grandpa Lee will be proud of your efforts (as we are!)

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