Elmer (Al) Edgar Ernest Reimer (1927-2015)

Al Reimer (1927-2015)
Al Reimer (1927-2015)
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved father, grandfather, brother and friend Dr. Elmer (Al) E. Reimer, 88, of Winnipeg, on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
Interment and a celebration of his life will be held in April 2016. More details here.

Kerry “Sam” Donald Kehler (1963-2015)

Kerry (Sam) Kehler 1963-2015
Kerry (Sam) Kehler 1963-2015

Kerry “Sam” Kehler, passed away unexpectedly in Palmer, Alaska , during the early morning hours of December 5, 2015.

His wife, Roberta, was the love of his life. His sudden death has left her in total shock and with unexpected expenses. Through the memorial fund set up on YouCaring.com we hope to share with her and Sam’s entire family how much he meant to us and help Roberta put the pieces of her life back together.

Continue reading “Kerry “Sam” Donald Kehler (1963-2015)”

Second Annual Christmas at Chortitz

The Chortitz Church Heritage Committee is please to announce the second annual “Christmas at Chortitz”, an evening of German and English Christmas carols.  You are invited to attend this festive event in celebration of Christ’s birth, with special music by Willie & Lin Wiebe. Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 7 PM in Randolph, Manitoba.

Christmas at Chortitz 2015
Christmas at Chortitz 2015

An Unclaimed Gift

Each year, parents and children, both young and old make a sacrifice to purchase Christmas gifts for the ones they love. These gifts are wrapped in beautiful packages and laid underneath the tree. Excitement builds as Christmas Day approaches, and those who have made sacrifices are anxious to watch as loved ones and friends open Christmas presents. Continue reading “An Unclaimed Gift”

What a Gift!

Carol Penner
Carol Penner



What’s a Kehler Christmas in the eyes of this child?

As long as I can remember, Christmas was a special time of year. The smell of baking often jogs my memory of a child’s meaning of Christmas. Grandma Kehler was always in the kitchen, when you came to visit the Kehler grandparents, for Christmas. The smells of cookies, plumi moos, Borscht and freshly baked buns were ever present. Since food was such an important part of my Mennonite heritage, the variety was endless. You were never sure what you would indulge in, as the food tables at some of these Kehler gatherings were endless. Who would notice how many cookies we ate? Continue reading “What a Gift!”

Kehler Kindness Sought

Happy New Year, to all the Kehler Clan!

We were recently informed that our relative Judy McGarry had a serious accident at her home just before Christmas, on December 20, 2012. Judy fell and broke her neck. She was taken to the Health Sciences in Winnipeg, and has been stabilized, while the physicians figure out what to do next. Judy’s Uncle Lee Kehler, who resides in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, reports that she has feeling and mobility in her hands and feet — which is awesome. This website was designed to keep family informed, across the miles. Lee is asking if there would be some Kehlers who would exercise kindness to help this wonderful person through the serious times ahead. Judy is limited to one son, TJ, who lives in Pine Falls and a sister Diane in Winnipeg.

“I gather that she has a long road ahead with this injury and there isn’t anybody on the face of this earth that has the ability to cheer someone up, like a Kehler! We are blessed with a blood line that sees the world optimistically and differently than most.” Lee Kehler.

Thank you in advance for your prayers for, and acts of kindness to, our beloved Berliner Judy McGarry.

Happy New Year, to all the Kehler Clan!

Born Judith Ann Kehler, Judy McGarry is the daughter of Dennis & Yvonne Kehler, granddaughter to Cornelius S & Frieda Kehler.

Born into a good family…

Luke 2-11

If ever there was an opportunity for God to enact his plan with a majestic flourish, it was at Jesus’ birth. But God did not presume upon humanity when he stepped in to redeem it. There was no pretense in this arrival. Rather, God chose to identify in the humblest way with those made in his image. The story of Jesus’ birth in Luke mixes praise with simplicity. Its contrast to the birth of John the Baptist is remarkable. John’s birth was announced in the capital, at the temple, in the center of the Jewish nation. But Jesus arrives in rural anonymity. John is the child of a priest and his righteous wife; Jesus belongs to Jews of average social status. Continue reading “Born into a good family…”

Thanks to Christmas

by Kaylee Peters

What if we didn’t have Christmas what if,
We couldn’t spend Christmas with our family,
Or we couldn’t wish our friends a Merry Christmas.
Or we couldn’t make memories on this special day,
Or we couldn’t do the things we do on Christmas,
Thanks to God we don’t have to worry about that,
He gave us Jesus and Jesus’ birthday,
He gave us family time,
He gave us memories,
He gave us Merry Christmas,
He gave us that day, that moment,
That we spend doing the stuff we love with people we love,
So Christmas isn’t about presents,
Or toys or decoration or who gets what,
It’s about Jesus,
And what he has given us,
So Thank-You

Kaylee Peters, 13, is the daughter of Karin (Kehler) & Menno Peters, and the granddaughter of Benjamin & Martha Kehler, Steinbach, MB.


It’s a “Berliner” Boy, New Birth Centre’s First Delivery!

The first baby born at a new stand-alone birth centre in Winnipeg, a 5th generation “Berliner” Kehler, has black eyes and a head full of dark curls.

Jack Stephen Chilufya, with dad Anthony Chilufya and mom Sara Heinrichs
Jack Stephen Chilufya, with mom Sara Heinrichs and dad Anthony Chilufya

The first baby born at a new stand-alone birth centre in Winnipeg, a 5th generation “Berliner” Kehler, has black eyes and a head full of dark curls. Continue reading “It’s a “Berliner” Boy, New Birth Centre’s First Delivery!”